Since the fall our cattle have been off to greener pastures. Our fall weekends were filled with moving cattle and selecting those who will head to auction. To prepare for the winter months cattle will enjoy the cooler months on well nourished acreage. We try to avoid feeding our cattle hay, although due to harsh weather condition and minimal natural grass at times they may be fed other resources during winter months. We’ve had an especially dry winter resulting in less grass growth. Our prays are filled with rain or snow requests to help with regrowth of our acreage.
In the fall we hand selected which cows and heifers to keep on the Barney York Ranch to be bred, hoping to have new calves to brand in the spring. Not all of the spring 2017 calves stayed at the ranch, many were sold at auction and move to other ranches. Many ask why we move our cattle? During the winter months we regularly rotate cattle to different pastures to allow regrowth of grass land and appropriate feeding. Keep our cows happy! With each visit we anxious await to welcome new calves to the Barney York Ranch. We expect many to give birth soon if they haven’t already!
Moving Barney York Ranch cows to new pastures. Tiny and Tanner Kenson on horseback.